A trusted, reliant partner in building technology at scale, we provide the best developers in order to fully strengthen your team.
Full-Service Recruitment agency
We're hired by start-ups for 'from scratch' product development. We provide a top-level, full support service for existing teams, which includes research, UX and UI design, software engineering, strategy, marketing and management.
We are skilled in web, cloud and mobile application development.
We Provide On-Demand Technology Design And Development Teams
Stefan McGeorge
Business development manager
Alexander Kryukov
Managing partner

Michael Kryukov
Business development manager
Maria Smagina
Business partner
We offer full project support, starting from an initial idea, all the way through to delivery. Later down the line, we can also offer further support with our bespoke consultancy service.
Through our years of experience, we have developed a reliable and verified network of independent software development professionals and application service providers. These trusted experts can provide lightning-fast resources for your business within 72 hours.
Our core business focus is designing and developing B2B enterprise software as service (SAAS), B2B2C platforms, workflow applications and disruptive technologies. This is all part of our small to medium sized business (SMB) digital transformation service.
Selected case studies

YOLOlang English Dictionary
A unique online English dictionary service, providing definitions, a contextual YouTube pronunciation ability alongside real time pronunciation bolstered by speech recognition.
Pecom Mobile App
An IOS and Android app designed for an international logistics company which allows users to track and modify existing deliveries as well as create new deliveries all in one single, handy place.
Recruit CRM
A single-solution CRM automated service for recruitment agencies, using machine learning to analyse resumes and create a personalised, intuitive kanban-based solution for recruiters and managers.
Office Management System
Mobile and web apps created in order to assist large companies automate and organize back-office workloads, saving both time and money.
This web app and messenger, now the third largest tech job site in Russia, is designed to assist users with their career search, sending up-to-date notifications on relevant positions.
Free project review
We analyze your initial idea and any possible limitations (for example, budget, deadline, Tech requirements) and create a personalized cost and time efficient strategy for your business.
IT Recruitment
Our mission is simple - we connect exceptional people. From the first contact to well after placement, we work to ensure that both candidate and client are highly satisfied with the service we provide.
IT Outsourcing
We work with a number of outstanding, reliable and verified professionals across the globe. All of our providers are carefully hand-picked and vetted by us to ensure they complete work to the highest level of quality.
Armed with years of experience in both web development and mobile solutions we work with clients, using our extensive knowledge to discover which technology stacks can positively impact their business.
#Data Science
#Web services
Reasons to work with us
Quality Сontrol
Your personal account manager will be with you every step of the way, ensuring your time with us is a smooth, productive and enjoyable experience.
All of our work comes with a full completion guarantee.
Budget Optimized
You save on withholdings and pay for development work only
Business Transparency
By promoting clear and concise communication between all parties, when working with us you know exactly what you'll receive and when. There are no hidden costs involved.